We follow the 3-year lectionary and sermons are based on the appointed scripture lessons.

Sermons from June 2023

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June 25, 2023

Confidence in Christ

Pastor: Rev. Nigel Brown Scripture: Jeremiah 20:7–13, Psalm 91:1–16, Romans 6:12–23, Matthew 10:5, Matthew 10:21–33

June 18, 2023

God of Compassion

Pastor: Rev. Nigel Brown Scripture: Exodus 19:2–8, Psalm 100:1–5, Romans 5:6–15, Matthew 9:35– 10:20

June 11, 2023

Mercy for Sinners

Pastor: Rev. Nigel Brown Scripture: Hosea 5:15– 6:6, Psalm 119:65–72, Ruth 4:13–25, Matthew 9:9–13

June 4, 2023

The Holy Trinity

Pastor: Rev. Nigel Brown Scripture: Genesis 1:1– 2:4, Psalm 8:1–9, Acts 2:14, Acts 2:22–36, Matthew 28:16–20